2009年3月31日 星期二

lab class definition 2

Study Display 4.4 (2nd ed. and 3rd ed.) or Display 4.2 & Display 4.3 (1st ed.) and then

1. Comment out date.setDate(6, 17, year); by // date.setDate(6, 17, year);

2. At the next line below, add date.readInput();

3. Run the program again. Fix any problems you may encouter along the way.
4. At the last line of your program, add System.out.println(date.month);
and see what happens. Why?


Homework 3-30-2009: counter

Define a class called Counter whose objects count things. An object of this class records a count that is a nonnegative integer. Include methods to set the counter to 0, to increase the count by 1, and to decrease the count by 1. Include an accessor method that returns the current count value and a method that outputs the count to the screen. Write a program to test


2009年3月30日 星期一

lab class definition

Study Display 4.1 and then do Self-Test Exercise 1.


增加一個宣告的函數makeItNewYear( )

Homework: 3/23/2009

Write a program to calculate average income by gender based on the following data, where F stands for female and M for male.

F 62,000
M 25,000
F 38,000
F 43,000
M 65,000
M 120,000
F 80,000
M 30,100

You should be able to allow users to type in a whole line such as F 80,000 followed by next line M 30,100.

2009年3月23日 星期一

Lab Cosine

Write a Java program to calculate the triangular function as follows:
Cos(x)=1 - x 2 /2!+ x 4/4!- x 6/ 6!...

Lab Fibonacci

Write a program to generate the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...
The series has a property that the third number is the sum of the first and second numbers. For example, 2=1+1, 3=1+2, and 5=2+3.


2009年3月18日 星期三

Homework 3-16-2009

1. Project 7 of Chap. 3





2. Write a program to generate the following table of arithmetic expressions

1*1=1 1*2=2 1*3=3 ... 1*9=9
2*1=2 2*2=4 2*3=6 ... 2*9=19
9*1=9 9*2=18 9*3=27 ... 9*9=81

2009年3月16日 星期一

Lab Finding the max of a list of numbers

Based on your study of Display 3.8, write a code to find the max and min of a list of number.
For example, given 1,3,5, and9, the max is 9 and the min is 1.
Your program should be able to process a list of any length.

Lab Finding the max of three numbers

Write a program to decide the max number of the three input number.

Lab Tax Calculation

Study Display 3.1. Based on the income tax rate in Taiwan,
calculate the income tax of a person whose annual income is 1,000,000 or 2,000,000.



2009年3月14日 星期六

Homework 3-9-2009

1. Do Project 4 in Chapter 2

2. Do Project 5 in Chapter 2

3. Do Project 6, in Chapter 2

4. Do Project 7, in Chapter 2

2009年3月9日 星期一

Lab Keyboard precessing

Project 3 of Chap. 2.

Lab Keyboard Input

Rewrite Display 2.6 using BufferedReader.

Lab Scanner

Do Display 2.6.

What is ASCII?
ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美國資訊互換標準代碼)是基於拉丁字母的一套電腦編碼系統。它主要用於顯示現代英語和其他西歐語言。它是現今最通用的單位元組編碼系統,並等同於國際標準ISO/IEC 646。

Homework 3-2-2009

1. Write a program that can reverse the order of an input string. For example, if you input "ab", it will output "ba". If you input "abcdefg", it should return "gfedcba".

2. Write a program that can print names alternatively. The names are in the format of "First Name + Last Name" or "Last Name, First Name". For example, if you input "Walt Savitch", your program will output "Savitch, Walt". If you input "Savitch, Walt", your program will output "Walt Savitch".

2009年3月2日 星期一

Lab String Processing

Do Project 5 of Chap. 1 on Page 56.

Write a program that starts with a line of text and then outputs that line of text with the first occurrence of "hate" changed to "love". For example, a possible sample output might be

The line of text to be changed is:
I hate you.
I have rephrased that line to read:
I love you.

Lab Java casting

Write a Java program as follows:

Let m=1, n=2;
Print m/n
Print m/ (double)n;
Print (double) m/n;

Lab Java operators

(a) Write a Java program as follows:

Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (i++);
Print i;

Ans: 2, 4, 3

(b) Write a Java program as follows:

Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (++i);
Print i;

Ans: 2, 6, 3

2009年3月1日 星期日

Homework 2-23-2009

1. Suppose you are a landscape architect who charges $5,000 per mile to landscape a highway, and suppose you know the length in feet of the high way you are working on. Write a Java program to calculate the price you charge when the length is 6000 and 4000, respectively.

Hint: There are 5280 feet in a mile.

2. Write a Java program that displays the results of the expressions 15/4, 4/15, 15%4, 4%15. Calculate the values of these expressions manually to verify that the displayed values are correct.